Sunday, March 23, 2014

Comparing being a soccer goalie (goaltender) with MMA

Fighting is very different from soccer, but when it comes to the position of goaltender, one thing that is similar in terms of mindset if that you have to be completely in the present moment and have an unflinching belief in yourself. Any hesitation or lack of confidence can instantly lead to be a goal being scored on you. The stakes are much higher in MMA because any hesitation and lapse of confidence can result in you being knocked out. What is on the line in MMA (Future brain function, bodily health, pride / ego, heart & soul put into camp) is much higher because it's a single human contact sport. However, the mental aspect of being completely and totally in the present moment is similar. Two quotes, from Josh Barnett and Kelvin Gastelum of the UFC, really shine a light on the concept of being totally locked into a mentally of intense confidence while in competition.

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